Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under :

"When born, there should be people who tell us that you were headed for death. So live your life as well as possible to appreciate every second of it. Do it! No matter what you think, do it now! Although we have a lot tomorrow, but only had one today" Michael London

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Posted by Unknown | File under :

"Failing to plan means planning to fail" Brian Tracy

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"If you don't fill in your own life, someone else will fill it" Jhon Atkinson

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

Posted by Unknown |

A real human being is a human that is meaningful to others. Human are social beings, who must live side by side with others. Humans need each other. A child needs their parents. A General need soldiers. A fruit trader requires fruit growers and so on. 

The Question Is
Are you able to see when other people are starving?
Are you able to see when other people are hardship?

No matter how small one’s heart and how hard someone’s heart will surely feel the feelings of others. It’s just our attitude that makes the heart become narrowed and hardened because we are not willing to care about the things around us. That is the cause.

“Sometimes we close our eyes because of the circumstance but our mind’s eye is able to see even in the dark”
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"The past is behind us and the future stands before us" Irwin Corey

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"We will never know if we never start" Howard Zinn

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"Something small would look great for the aspiring small. And something big will seem small to those who aspire big" Abu Thayib